Citrus Tree Removal

Florida citrus is still alive and well. Prices for fruit and juice look strong for the foreseeable future. For the past 10 years we have been working very close with growers, as well as in our own groves, to identify trees that are not producing to their potential. These trees are efficiently removed and a new tree put in its place.

Citrus trees are removed by two methods: traditionally “pushing” trees with the wheel loader, and in more recent years by clipping or shearing trees off at the ground. While completely removing the tree and the rootball remains the most popular, clipping is also very effective and considerably less expensive.

We use custom-designed rakes and clippers to reduce fruit loss and damage to surrounding trees. Our wheel loaders have the highest reach in the citrus industry to minimize damage to the adjoining tree canopy.

All of our operators are certified pile burn managers, and are perfectly at home in your valuable grove operation. Many of our growers are now removing citrus trees year-round rather than just in the traditional summer season. With the high cost of caretaking, you can’t afford to care for a tree that doesn’t yield more than the cost of the care plus a reasonable return.

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